NGC 1841

Credits: F. R. Ferraro /C. Pallanca (UniBO)

JPEG format (9.6 MB): NGC1841.jpg

Image Gallery

Ground-based view of the LMC galaxy

Image of the LMC acquired at the ESO La Silla Observatory.

Credits: Zdenek Bardon/ESO

TIFF format (32 MB): LMC_ESO_HR.tiff

Additional formats can be downloaded from the ESO web site

Stellar collisions

The upper illustration shows a view of direct collisions: two low-mass stars in a overcrowded environment experience a head-on collision, combining their fuel and mass to form a new, single, hot (hence blue) and seemingly young star.

The lower illustration depicts the effect of collisions in shrinking binary systems and promoting "vampirism": a pair of stars where the lower-mass object drains its heavier companion of hydrogen, that fuels its rebirth.

Credits: NASA/ESA

JPG format (1.7 MB): Stellar_collisions.jpg

Stellar collisions in a video

The video shows the animation of a direct collision between two stars in a globular cluster.

Credits: NASA/ESA

mp4 format (1.4 MB): Stellar_collisions.mp4

The HST view of the five old LMC clusters

Hodge 11

Credits: F. R. Ferraro /C. Pallanca (UniBO)

JPEG format (9.8 MB): Hodge11.jpg

NGC 2257

Credits: F. R. Ferraro /C. Pallanca (UniBO)

JPEG format (8.2 MB): NGC2257.jpg

NGC 1466

Credits: F. R. Ferraro /C. Pallanca (UniBO)

JPEG format (7.7 MB): NGC1466.jpg

NGC 2210

Credits: F. R. Ferraro /C. Pallanca (UniBO)

JPEG format (4 MB): NGC2210.jpg

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