GALA is a Fortran code for computing the stellar atmospheric parameters and chemical abundances by using the equivalent width of metallic lines. Abundances are derived through a modified version of the WIDTH code originally developed by R. Kurucz.

GALA is able: (a) to derive all the parameters or only part of them, keeping the other parameters fixed; (b) to perform a careful rejection of the outliers; (c) to estimate for each individual star the internal errors for the optimized parameters (by adopting the Jackknife bootstrapping technique), and the derived uncertainties due to the choice of atmospheric parameters, following both the prescriptions by Cayrel et al. (2004) and the classical method of altering one parameter at a time.

GALA is designed to manage different grids of model atmospheres:
(1) the classical grid of ATLAS9 models by Castelli & Kurucz (2004, arXiv:astro-ph/0405087v1); (2) the new grid of ATLAS9 models by Meszaros et al. (2012, AJ, 144, 120) for the APOGEE survey; (3) the grid of MARCS models with standard chemical composition by Gustafsson et al. (2008, A&A, 486, 951).

Effective temperatures and surface gravities derived with GALA for a sample of 52 stars in the Galactic globular cluster NGC 6752. Two theoretical isochrones with an age of 12 Gyr and Z=0.0006 (from BaSTI and Padua databases) are shown as reference.

Graphical output of GALA. Black symbols are the analysed Fe I lines and red symbols the Fe II lines; the filled circles are the used lines and empty circles are the rejected lines. Blue lines are the linear best-fits.

Current Release:  v1.1  -  Date:  18.04.2013

18.04.2013: GALA version 1.1, some minor bugs have been fixed throughout the code.

If you use GALA for scientific work, please cite Mucciarelli et al. 2013. We kindly ask you to report also the following acknowledgment "This research has made use of the products of the Cosmic-Lab project funded by the European Research Council".

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